
 Beavers, Cubs & Scouts will restart on Wednesday 12th January 2022 in Cuerden School

The preceding week 5th January will see the delayed 2021 AGM take place on Zoom at 7.30 pm.

If you want to attend send an email to the Treasurer at for details


Another 1st Bamber Bridge Scouts First!

Two Badges in One – On Friday 17th March, we were pleased to award Thomas with his Martial Arts Badge AND his Activity Plus Badge – this is the kind of strange looking blue badge with the silver boarder. It is just slightly larger than the red and blue activity badge.

Once you earn an activity badge, once you are able to show additional competence and progression you may earn the Activity Plus Badge. Your activity badge goes on top of the blank badge and it is sewn on your uniform.

Thomas earned his Martial Arts Activity Badge in Cubs and he has continued to develop his Martial Arts Skills through Scouts. He is the first Scout in our Troop to earn this badge.

Thursday 24th November – Ayuz Bhuta’s visit to a joint meeting. The wheelchair Paralympian was popular with all the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts present.

A short history of the North West Paraplegic Games that was held in Leyland and Preston from 1973 until 1988 was given by Peter Houghton (Group Treasurer)

Full details of which can be found on


This picture show the now President of the Paralympics, Sir Phillip Craven back in 1979 scoring for Southport in wheelchair basketball

Ayuz then took over the meeting and explained how he got involved in wheelchair rugby or Murderball as it is better known.

From his initial try at fencing to his games of wheelchair basketball he told the assembled scouts about the highs and lows of his career so far.


After a few demonstrations, Ayuz went on to answer many and varied #isitok questions that the beavers, cubs and scouts could think of


The group then all wanted their picture taken with Ayuz

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Sunday 13th November – St Saviours Remembrance Day Service at 10.30 am

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If you are doing your History Badge check out the following


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22nd May 2016

Congratulations to the 1st Bamber Bridge Cubs for earning 3rd place at West Lancashire County Cub Challenge!

Good work to everyone and thank you Balloo and Shere Khan for all your efforts getting us ready

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