About Us

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1st Bamber Bridge was first registered in 1911 when Harry Cottom was the Scout Master, Harry went on to be District Chairman and passed away in 1967.

The group later closed but was re-opened in 1996 with a Beaver Colony consisting of 6 boys, two Beaver Scout Leaders and a Group Scout Leader.

Since then the Group has grown and we now have a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop each with a team of Leaders and Helpers.

 The Group

We draw our members from the suburban / rural area to the south of the city of Preston in central Lancashire.

The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have both boys and girls as members.

Management of the Group is the responsibility of the Group Executive Committee comprising a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, the Group Scout Leader, the Leaders from each section and a parent representative from each section.

The Group Scout Leader is responsible for ensuring that each section provides a proper and challenging Scouting programme giving all children the opportunity for indoor and outdoor activities and camps/sleepovers.